Thursday, April 7, 2011

10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Lose Weight

Many people start off the New Year by making resolutions to lose weight and get in shape. Sometimes, this task is often easier said than done. Some people last a little longer than others, but for most motivation starts to sag soon into the fitness plan. There are easy ways that almost anyone can use to help motivate yourself to a better body. Whether you are looking to lose a lot or just a few pounds or you want to exercise more to tone your body, you can create a fitness plan that can help you stay motivated.

Confidence: Confidence is the number one way for you to motivate yourself to exercise more or to stick to a diet. Confidence in yourself is also known as self-efficacy and it means that once you believe that you can do something, no matter how hard, you do it. Those that have a lot of self-confidence believe that they have the power to make changes in themselves. Those without solid self-confidence will find that they will have a much more difficult time sticking to any fitness plan and will not exert much effort.

Support: Having a solid support system of both friends and family will help keep almost anyone motivated to reach their goals. When a person starts a new fitness routine or diet program, many changes need to happen. It is important to surround yourself with others that can support you and understand your personal goals. Let those around you know that you need them to support your new goal and try to include them in your plans.

Positive Attitude: Your motivation will soar if you keep a positive attitude towards your new fitness goals. Think about the positive aspects of a healthier lifestyle and exercise plan and keep that in mind you may be tempted to skip a day at the gym. When following any fitness plan, it is also important to remember that you may have setbacks or you may not achieve your goals as fast as you had hoped. Keeping your outlook positive even during the rough times will help you stay focused on your goals.

Follow a Plan: You will find that you have an easier time staying motivated when you make a plan and stick to it. Without understanding each step you need to take to reach your goals, it will be harder to see the end results. For example, if you are trying to eat healthier, write down what foods you want to eliminate and foods your want to add to your diet. As you progress, compare your results with your plan and that will help you stay on track.

Stay Organized: Staying organized will help keep you motivated to stay on your new fitness plan. If you plan on going to the gym a few times a week, you can get everything you need ready to go the night before. Have your shoes, gym clothes and membership card by the door. Not only will this make it easier for you find exactly what you need, but it will also serve as a visual reminder of your goal. Keep your days planned out and schedule time in for healthy cooking or working out.

Types of Motivation: Intrinsic and extrinsic are both types of motivation. Understand what they mean and which one helps keep you motivated. Those who are intrinsically motivated do not need outside forces, such as rewards to stay focused. They have the power from within to stay motivated. Other forces, such as rewards or praise from others, motivate those who are motivated extrinsically. Most people feel motivated both ways. Understand what kind of motivation helps you stay focused.

Reward Yourself: A reward system can be a great motivator, especially in a new fitness plan. Give yourself a small reward when you meet each of your goals. This will help you get to your final goal. You may choose to buy yourself a new shirt when you lose ten pounds or maybe go see a movie. Whatever appeals to you would be a beneficial reward system.

Role Models: When you are trying to get a better body through a fitness plan, look for a role model. That person does not have to be famous, but anybody who you admire. Maybe it is someone you know that takes time to work out or eat right. Use that person to look to when your motivation is sagging.

Information: As soon as you commit yourself to a new fitness plan, arm yourself with lots of information. Look at different diets and exercise plans. Learn the ins and outs of each one and you will be able to make an informed decision to use one that is right for you.

Interests: Another great way to stay motivated is by having other interests. When you start to feel frustrated, you can set it aside and do something you really love. It might even be possible to include what you love doing to help you achieve your fitness goals.


  1. I really could have used these tips earlier in the year. lol.

  2. My new years resolution was to get a million followers for my blog. I haven't hit that yet. I will use this information.

  3. This is definitely really helpful. I've been looking into losing weight myself.


  4. Ugh. Losing weight. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. nice post :D

  6. these should be great.
    im trying to tone up not so much lose but im sure it all applies :D

  7. Weird, I just wrote about all this in my own exercise motivation post. Oh well...god work.

  8. Im trying to tone up too, but I agree, this all still applies. Its getting some equipment thats my problem.

  9. I thought I lost weight once, but then i looked behind me and found it...

  10. Motivation and confidence is an important role in almost everything. I am currently lift weights trying to add some muscle, and I feel great after I finish. Thanks for the post.

  11. I've made a subscription to a gym recently. This helped me a lot.

  12. I think that Jillian Michaels ad is one way to lose weight; i'm sweating fat bullets because of the way she looks. It's like she's about to kill me! Btw, i'm nearly at my first paycheck! Keep $upporting!

  13. Great post mate, some top advise here

  14. Thanks. I really need motivation to lose weight.

  15. Great info. I'm glad that you pointed out managing different types of motivation.

  16. Exercise is key! Set realistic goals and make your workouts more convenient - find a running route outside your home, or a gym that's close to work/school/home. You have to want to exercise!

  17. That last one is good. Find something you find fun to get your heart-rate up. I love a good game of racquetball or basketball, and it surprisingly gets the heart going.

  18. I think I am actually going to start up my workout again thanks to this post. I'll let you know how it goes....

  19. Hahahha I should get back to gym stuff now!

  20. Also, be sure to remove any "bad foods" from your house, that pack on the extra pounds, don't just hide them. Remove any and all sources of dietary indulgence, so even if you start craving something, you won't be able to give in.

  21. Great tips, I'm applying several of them myself (trying to get in shape), so yea, good post.


  22. I did this a long time ago and it work.

  23. Nice tips awesome post. Following

    For Comic Reviews and Discussions

  24. Thanks for the info. It really helped. :) Great post!

  25. nice post, good blog

    + follower:)

  26. This is a great list! Too bad I'm anorexic. Lololol, just kidding.

  27. Fuck yea fitness, I recently started doing p90X 3 weeks ago and started doing the protein shakes today. feels good bro.

  28. I somewhat agree w/hoaks2 above, except I prefer substituting sex for a sport! :)

  29. Im currently trying to lose a few pounds myself, once you get yourself commited to the goal, it´s not that hard

  30. my motivation: wife bought me a bike, knowing that if i own something, it is either used, kept as a back up or thrown away. guess i got to use it.

  31. I dig it, weightloss is always positive. +followed for more.

  32. I could've used the tips few years ago..

  33. It's very important to get the foundational things right. I think your post is a great foundation for anyone.

    Great stuff, keep 'em coming!

  34. I'm skinny as hell, but great tips anyways :D

  35. Thanks for the tips. I plan on working out a bit.

  36. great advice, keep up the good blog

  37. Just what I wanted --- Thanks for posting this.

  38. motivation and reward works best for me

  39. Reward yourself doesn't mean ice cream after every workout, that defeats the purpose. Have a nice treat once a week, or so, though =]

  40. I'm skinny but I'll pass these onto my gf.... ooooh zing! just kidding; she'll kill me if she ever reads that. :P
