Sunday, March 20, 2011

Selfreflection by Pappa Püllï

Hai awesome followers and people, shit is getting serious now
       I want to dive a little deeper. Lets explore our true selves. Lets take all of the minotiny out of life. Take all of the stress of our daily lives out of the picture. Take all of the flood of information coming at us on a daily basis. Lets take all the synical comments, self motivation speeches, positive thinking books, expert advice and so forth. Let's  take all of that out of the equation and look at one simple concept. Take a moment and close your eyes. Think back to when you were a child. What was the happiest moment that you can recall. Think about what you liked to do for fun. Think about what you as a child aspired to become when you grew up. Think about those moments when you would daydream about what you wanted to do when you grew up. Now look at what stands out in your mind the most. For example I have always loved to draw. When I was a child I would get in trouble for drawing on everything. As I got older I noticed that I looked at things a little different. I would basically break pictures down ( separate the shapes, colors, values, tones) as if it were second nature. I was also interested in architecture. I loved to look at buildings, castles,  and bridges. You could say I was fascinated. As I got older those interests never seem to change. Today I still not only draw, but paint as well. You may have simular interests or you may not. I speak of this because even to this day if I close my eyes I know that I was meant to do this. It's what I love.
       Now to return back to that simple concept. What where you truely meant to do in life. At this piont we need to look at what makes you happy. If a person is stuck in a career that they are not happy in they will not be successful. You have to have passion in everything that you do. Now that we have fugured out what makes us happy and what we have always aspired to do in life we need to look at why we are not doing it. Where did we lose ourselves. I can tell you from personal experience it is very easy to get off track , but it's never to late to turn your life around and head down that road to true self fullfilment. Utilizing this one concept opens up so much opportunity in life. It's liked an invisible guide pionting you to the right direction in life and guiding you through each step. Happiness is the golden key.
            Once you have discover this the next step is to set things in motion. Set a goal. Goals are very important. Look at alot of the famous actors. The majority are children and adeloscents. This is because children are dreamers. Something sparks there interest or a talent surfaces and they not only aspire to be great but set goals and work to achieve them. Even at a young age they are basically raw talent and they start to perfect thier talent( classes, drama associations, small theater). If you take an adult and put he or she through an audition and lets just say they have been acting for a few years and you put a child actor who has grown up in the business and basically acted all of thier life the child actor will usually get the part because they are seasoned with experience. The same goes for singers, dancers ,sports. It all developes from childhood. We lose that as we get older. We stop dreaming. Dreams are like visions. They can become reality. We just have to create that reality.

If you like this blog please comment, i will take a look at your profile and probaly follow you if you will follow me ^_^


  1. Cheers for the comment - great blog, keep it real.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Unfortunately most of us have to go into a field or get a job we're not comfortable with, and as such lead shitty lives.

  4. "Take a moment and close your eyes."
    How am i suppose to read with my eyes closed :O
    Haha na good post :)

  5. I agree with the point about goals, it is very important to have them in your life. Great post!

  6. Hehe, our true selves :O

  7. really nice points, i haven't set goals for myself much yet but i think it helps get more motivated.

  8. Really interesting read. I genuinely enjoyed this =]

  9. nice write up, the main reason I don't always achieve what I want is because I am kind of a shy person. It is hard for me to be very social and feel happy at a place.

    Keep up the nice writing!

  10. The only thing I want atm is to get a job in Graphic Design.. And it's bloody hard =|

  11. Very motivational, I feel like having solid goals in my life has been missing for far too long.

  12. Great post, I enjoyed reading.

    I too feel we grow old and sometimes lose that desire to be creative.

    "If the children don't grow up,
    our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up." - Arcarde Fire, Wake up
    hope you get to see the video and read the lyrics

  13. Yeah, I was born with above average intelligence but in the inner city, there's no work around me and most people suffer

  14. Good read, you're a great writer.

  15. I'm proud to say that I'm happy with my current job. Great read! :)

  16. I enjoyed reading this nice one!

  17. Heya, keep writing, I liked this. Following from

  18. "As I got older I noticed that I looked at things a little different. I would basically break pictures down ( separate the shapes, colors, values, tones) as if it were second nature."

    Me too! I still do that all the time. I'm a very visual thinker- my thoughts occur as images instead of words much of the time.

  19. Truth doesn't exist XD
    Follower +1

  20. I think more than setting defined goals as a youngster (though I'm all for goals), I am of the opinion to set standards for living, not necessarily easy to measure against, but things like making sure I enjoy what I am doing, to push myself and of course have fun have had just as big an impact in my life.
    Great read. Followed.

  21. I should be a dog... a day full of food & sleep.

  22. i hate to sound like a sheep but you're getting a "good read" from here as well :) i myself try hard to shape my future into a place where i can do what i love.

  23. Too bad in this world we need to get a job we hate only to survive... A shame...

    Nice entry, I'll follow ;)

  24. i hate how some people are elite and we are stuck to watch

  25. Nice post, very well written! Followed you

  26. interesting read, followed!:3

  27. Very well written, writing about the meaning of life is a difficult task :)

  28. It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be!

    Inspirational post pappa!


  29. End of the world here, this is right up my alley. Keep it goin!


  30. You're an amazing writer, keep it up!

  31. Very true about following those dreams! Followed

  32. Do what you like to do, make friends who like to do that stuff with you, love your family, and just be yourself. True happiness =)

  33. I'm not sure I agree with you on the whole children and childhood thing. We usually see our childhood as happy, but that's just retrospective idealizing, a trick of memory. Children are often vicious, selfish beings, definitely not a role model. But with that description comes a brighter look - if you're old, but you just found your dream, hobby or love, you're in the perfect age to pursue it.

  34. That's deep man. Keep it up! Followed

  35. An inspirational post, to say the least. Even if it is just a repost.

    Keep up the quality posts!

  36. I really like your blog, I'll be supportive and follow along :)

  37. Excellent post, really. Shame there's no 'like' button. :P

  38. Good layout man, mind if i steal a few of your ideas. aha, ONLY JOKING! ahaha. Love ya buddy.
