Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Blessing of Facing Challenges In Life

Have you ever noticed that every challenge also contains a blessing in disguise? If not, you may not have been looking closely enough! It’s true that challenges often seem like inconveniences when they get in the way of something you want. When you’re working toward goals that are important to you, the last thing you want is to face a big challenge or obstacle because it usually means that your desired outcome will be delayed.

However, if you learn to see challenges in a new light, they can easily become the best things that have ever happened to you.

Below you’ll find 5 questions you should ask whenever you find yourself facing challenges:

1. What Can I Learn From This?

Too often we view challenges as annoyances or personal vendettas, when in fact they may hold a great opportunity to learn and grow! If you start by asking what you can learn from each challenge, you’ll suddenly see them as possibilities that pave the way to greater wisdom and self-mastery.

2. How Can This Strengthen Me?

One major reason why challenges intimidate us is because we don’t feel capable of handling them. We have a limited perception of our own abilities, so we automatically believe that the challenge is bigger than we are. However, if you learn to see challenges as an opportunity to become stronger and more empowered, there’s no way they can hold you back!

3. How Can I Use This to My Advantage?

Most often we see challenges as disadvantages – but is that necessarily true? A challenge can often help you see that there are many possible ways to achieve a goal, and the one you’ve chosen may not necessarily be the best one. Asking this question can often open your mind to alternative routes that may be shorter or otherwise better in some way.

4. How Can I Use This to Help Others?

Though we often believe our goals affect only ourselves, more often we have a huge impact on the people around us too. Not only do other people watch what you do and how you live your life – they often model their own behavior after yours! If you refuse to let challenges intimidate you or slow you down, you just might inspire and motivate others to do the same with their own challenges.

5. What Would Make This a Worthwhile Experience?

Sometimes just being willing to recognize that a challenge may not be such a bad thing can be enough to help you realize all kinds of wonderful benefits from it. This question does a couple of things: first, it helps you feel more empowered because it affirms that you have a choice in how you react to the challenge; and secondly it reminds you that every challenge holds the seeds for unlimited blessings and opportunities.


  1. What doesnt kill ya only makes you stronger! Great info my friend! :D

  2. I love your way of positive thinking! I agree that a challenge can greatly benefit you when you overcome it. just as Zombie said, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

  3. its always good to be positive!

  4. Gotta agree with you about the blessings in disguise!

  5. good tips i'll try 2 stick to them!

  6. Always good to think positively

  7. It is indeed great to be positive. Big challenges should be faced head-on, with intelligence and wits, and even if you failed you'll be able to learn a great deal from it.

  8. life's been pretty challenging lately. i'll keep that post in mind everyday. it might help me somehow.
    great article. thanks! :)

  9. I've been using your tips daily, and they've been a tremendous help in improving the way I live my life. Cutting out the negatives and living with the positives. :)

  10. Nice tips, I think we should all be more positive, I mean it's just life after all

  11. Questions to live by. Great post!

  12. Very solid reminder, and start to the day!

  13. Nice tips. I have a hard time keeping my eyes on the positive.

  14. Such a well thought post, good job!

  15. Good tips, great post!! looking forward to more!

  16. Wow, that was actually helpful...

  17. very inspirational blogs u got there! keep it up!

  18. but I hate Facing Challenges In Life :-/

    good blog, thanks for posting this!!!

  19. I love reading these, insightful as always :)

  20. This is a good post. I'm facing a challenge myself at the moment. Hope this post can help me some with that.

  21. Very inspirational, these posts keep me thinking. :]

  22. Well, the only other way of learning something without making it, or making a mistake is looking to others mistakes, but it's easier when you actually feel it.

  23. You'll never truly appreciate something if you didn't have to work your ass off for it.

  24. nice blog
    reminds me of my own

  25. great way of looking at it.
    nice blog following right away, check mine.

  26. This is definitely the correct way to look at things!

  27. Challenges are the spice of life. From video games to playing guitar to the obstacles of every day life, you've gotta jump forth and overcome anything in your way. The more you do this, the more you'll realize how awesome you are.

  28. Great post, should prove helpful. Thanks.

  29. Karma is definatly a big part of my life, and with that everything I do, I think of questions like this. Great post!

  30. This blog is what more people need to read. Everyone is negative today

  31. what doesnt kill you makes you stronger

  32. More posts like this. please!

  33. Always looking for good articles

  34. good article, sometimes is hard to face a challenge but I will use your tips in the next time. Thank you

  35. Nice and interesting post, keep it up!

  36. great info. we should have this always in mind.

  37. life needs challenges, get used to it people!

  38. Cool Post I enjoyed reading this!

  39. good tips i'll try 2 stick to them

  40. Yeah positive thinking does work with all that Law of attraction and stuff but sometimes i like to think the worst case scenario so that when the storm blows over i can go and say "It went better than expected"

  41. Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger! I totally agree and also try to look at challenges that way :]

  42. You've certainly got a very optimistic view on life, challenges usually annoy me too much to learn anything from them at the time. Hindsight is always what teaches me things, IF I bother to think about the challenge.

  43. Thank you! I believe a challenge can make you a stronger person.

  44. This is the way I always tried to make my life. With every bit of pain, I just bide my time until I can finally win. It's good to see some people who also share a positive outlook. :)

  45. I face more changes than times I change my underwear per year.

  46. I've been very fortunate to encounter challenges only when I've had the experience or skills necessary to overcome them. Here's hoping it stays that way!

  47. This article came at the perfect time in my life. Thanks for posting.

  48. Or sometimes challenges can just be a pain in the ass that have no blessings. Like when you get skin cancer and your foot falls off (i'm exaggerating), but there are some situations which just suck and no good comes out of em.

    (In my opinion)

  49. positive thinking is the key to overcome any challenge!

  50. Think positive and everything is going to be easy

  51. I try my best to do this. Your mind has a very strong affection on your well being obviously, but also your body. And vice versa. If you think positively, it will have positive effects on you overall. If you body is being well treated and in good condition your mind will be happy aswell. It is all about getting a good circle of positive energies going. I didn't use to belive this sorta bullshit, but after giving it a shot, I sorta changed my life. Great post, hope others read it!

  52. Challenges are the spice of life. From video games to playing tennis to the obstacles of everyday life, you've gotta jump forward and overcome anything that gets in your way. The more you do this, the more you'll gain confidence and realize how amazing you are.

  53. This is great advice. It's one of those things that everybody knows (or at least I hope is common sense) but is nice to be reminded of. Thanks.

  54. Your posts surprise me every day, I just wrote down the questions on a poster and pinned it up on my wall since I will start a few projects in the future which will be accompanied by a lot of challenges. So thank you for this!

  55. always handle challenges positively, every mistake or failure is just another opportunity to do lean how to do something right

  56. If only I could regain back my faith.

  57. nice...Very good read

  58. helping yourself go through problems is good, helping others to do so is epic

  59. Nice advice, very usefull for everyday life!

  60. Good advice, mate. I'll keep it in mind!

  61. Yep, I always think about it this way as well.

  62. Thanks for this post. It's a great message that everyone should read.

  63. so true blog :D
    It's always good the feeling that you get from doing something difficult and success in it

  64. be positive can really do the difference

  65. I try to be positive about all challenges, but finals will always get me down!
